Presents The Boston Premiere ArtsEmerson: The World on Stage and Celebrity Series of Boston are partnering to present the Boston premiere of "Petrushka," conceived and directed by Basil Twist and presented Nov. 11- 21 at the Paramount Theatre, 559 Washington Street in Boston. Saturday and Sunday performances will be followed by a “Meet the Puppets” event at the Paramount Center. Known
the world over for his innovative puppet shows, Guggenheim Fellow
Basil Twist spins new magic in this interpretation of the legendary Ballets
Russes production. Set to Stravinsky’s classic
score, it’s the story of a tragic love triangle between three magical
creatures: the clown Petrushka; the alluring Ballerina; and the dashing
Moor, whose stories emerge amidst the swirl of the Russian carnival.The
program opens with an abstract fantasia of puppetry set to Stravinsky's
"Sonata for Two Pianos," performed by Russian
identical twin pianists, Irina and Julia Elkina.
Nine hidden puppeteers combine Czech and Japanese traditions in a combination
of music, movement, design and storytelling. Since 1998, Twist has continually expanded the realm of
puppetry by creating and touring new works, focusing especially on work
integrated with live music. Twist was the underwater puppetry consultant
on the third Harry Potter film and last season created
creatures for "The Addams Family Musical "on
Broadway. His puppetry is featured in the Broadway production of "The
Pee Wee Herman Show," now playing in New York. In 2000,
his "Petrushka" premiered in New York and was awarded a 2000
UNIMA Citation of Excellence. Twist is the director of The
Dream Music Puppetry Program at HERE Arts Center, the recipient
of a Guggenheim Fellowship, and a United States Artists Fellow. For tickets and information, call 617-824-8000 or visit www.artsemerson.org. -- OnStage Boston 11-03-10
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