Centastage Presents "The Random Caruso" Comedy About Manipulation, Failure and Self-Absorption Centastage has announced it will be producing Andrew Clarke’s new comedy "The Random Caruso," a full-length version of Clarke’s ten-minute play "Breakfast With Harvey" which Centastage previously produced both in The Boston Theatre Marathon and as part of last year’s Plays On Tap series. Performance dates are February 20 - March 7 at the Boston Center for the Arts Plaza Theatre. "The Random Caruso" revolves around a preening film actor (Harvey) and his would be screenwriter assistant (Tom). They manipulate one another sufficiently to ensure failure and abject self-absorption. As the bleak comedy unfolds, Tom is attempting to keep a film project from falling apart. All he has to do is keep Harvey engaged in the project, the director alive and a close watch on an ambitious actress Harvey meets while waiting tables. Directed by Joe Antoun, the production will feature Michael Forden Walker, Tracy Oliverio, Robert Pemberton, John Ryan, Sean Garahan, and Steve Rossignol. TV and film director/actor Sam Weisman rounds out the cast. For tickets, call 617-933-8600 or visit www.bostontheatrescene.com. -- OnStage Boston 01/29/09
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