"Sxip's Hour of Charm"
Makes Boston Premiere
At Zero Theatre
"Sxip's Hour of Charm" has
long been part of the line-up at Joe's Pub at the
Public Theater in New York. Now the eclectic
variety show comes to Boston, or more accurately, Cambridge, at the
Zero Arrow Theatre in Harvard Square. Performances will take
place Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from September 14- 30, 2007.

described as indescribable, "Sxip's Hour of Charm" is a
hybrid of circus, music, cabaret, sideshow and burlesque. Each
show will feature 6-8 different acts, including songwriters, circus
artists, human beat boxers, story tellers, comics, aerialists and
more. Plus, the lineup will change each weekend.
Amanda Palmer, of the The Dresden
Dolls, is helping to bring this curious show to Boston, where
Sxip promises three weekends of music and performance that hope to
delight, confuse and enlighten even the most cynical members of any
seen-it-all audiences.
Week One (Sept. 14-16) features Amanda Palmer, performing
both Dresden Dolls and new solo material; aerialist/ceiling walker
Una Mimnagh; Jonas Woolverton spinning
on, inside and around the elegant rolling steel hoop, "The Cyr";
human beat box vocal looping and comedy from Reggie Watts;
and accordion and song powerhouse Jason Webley. Host
Sxip Shirey will recount his recent trip to a mad Serbian Brass
band festival and perform on his famous metal pipe contraption with
5 red marbles and 5 glass bowls.
Week Two (Sept. 21-23) highlights the weird American gothic avant
circus music of Beat Circus; the ebullient, sly and
arresting folk rock stylings of Erin McKeown;
the "foolery" of The Red Bastard (above,
also known as Eric David, of Cirque Du Soleil), a
grotesque yet disarmingly charming buffoon whose enormous ego is matched
only by his colossal red ass; accordion rock opera powerhouse
Corn Mo (who used to be in The Polyphonic
Spree, and opens regularly for They Might Be Giants
and Ben Folds Five); Una Mimnagh's
beautiful and dangerous "ceiling walk;" and Sxip Shirey's
composition for Industrial flute and five curious objects.

Three (Sept. 28-30) brings AJ Silver (left),
the sexiest rope-spinning cowboy ever to come out of the Bronx; songwriter
Dayna Kurtz, a genre-defying smoky alto singer/songwriter;
the sweet, sexy raunchy storytelling of Greg Walloch
who uses his own cerebral palsy to challenge preconceptions of human
disabilities with his provocative comedic monologues; the return
of Una Mimnagh performing knotted spinning falls on
the single hung rope ("corde de lisse"); and Sxip Shirey's
stories of quantum mechanics and red blood cells. (One additional
artist is to be announced).
For ticket and information, call 617-547-8300.
OnStage Boston