Rainy Day Contest
Celebrates "Singin' In The Rain"
At North Shore

Hard to imagine that all the rain we've been having could actually be a sign of something good, but it turns out there's a ray of sunshine behind those ugly storm clouds.

North Shore Music Theatre in Beverly has announced their new Rainy Day contest to celebrate the run of their production of "Singin’ in the Rain."
Here's the deal -- for every day it rains outside North Shore Music Theatre from now through July 21, one lucky winner will receive 2 tickets to the theater's production of "Singin’ in the Rain." The show runs from July 5 - 30.

For details on the show itself, click here.
Enter the Rainy Day contest by emailing your name, address and phone number to WeeklySpotlight@nsmt.org. On every rainy day between the dates listed above, theater management will choose one name at random to win a pair of tickets. You only need to enter once to be considered, and no purchase is required. Winners will be contacted immediately and their names will be published in NSMT’s e-mail newsletter, the Weekly Spotlight.

To sign up for the newsletter, or further information visit www.nsmt.org. or call 978-232-7200.

-- OnStage Boston



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