North Shore Music Theatre
Takes Honors
At Junior Theatre Festival in Atlanta

Twenty five students from North Shore Music Theatre's Youth Performance Academy traveled to Atlanta, Georgia, in January to perform at the second national Junior Theater Festival.  They returned with major awards for Outstanding Achievement in Musical Performance and Choreography.  

The festival, produced by Music Theatre International (MTI), celebrates students who perform and produce musical theater.  Students from thirty schools and education groups from across the country performed excerpts from 11 Broadway Junior productions.  

The Academy was one of only 3 student groups chosen to premiere selections from Disney's "Aladdin Junior" and Disney's "Cinderella Kids."   These musicals are newly-created stage adaptations of Disney films which will be made available to schools this year.  Both awards the Academy received were for their performance of "Cinderella Kids."   

The adjudication panel included respected national and international leaders in the musical theater community including Jeremy James Taylor, founder of Great Britain's National Youth Music Theatre, and Russell Ochocki, who has directed over 100 productions for both youth and professional theater.  

Tim McDonald, MTI Director of Education, commented, "MTI was thrilled with the talent and professionalism of all of the groups at this year's Junior Theatre Festival. It is amazing how school children continually raise the level of all expectations when they are given the opportunity to perform these versions of the great Broadway musicals that have been adapted specifically for them."    
In addition to the Festival performances, the students participated in a Vocal Master Class with "American Idol" musical director Michael Orland and NSMT's Associate Director of Education, Derek Bowley.  
The Youth Performance Academy attracts thousands of students between the ages of 4 and 18 who are interested in the exploring the world of music, theatre and dance. 

-- OnStage Boston


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